Thursday night, 10:08PM - I am officially on vacation, and I pile into the Focus for the 1 hr 45 minute jaunt to my Michigan destination. I have a tall Arizona Green Tea to keep me company, and a dearth of pod casts on my IPod. For those of you unfamiliar with the "pod cast," they are basically free talk radio which is tailored to your specific area of interest. They are almost always free, and easily downloaded via ITunes. I'm a big proponent of the pod cast, so I'll give you my top four right now: feel free to look into any or all of them.
1. The BS Report - Bill Simmons' pod is generally funny, insightful, and covers a variety of topics which I find interesting. My favorite pods are when Simmons has someone on who: A) gives it back to him (like David Stern), B) gives insight into one of the major sports (Lombardi, Olney, Stein/Bucher), or C) is a friend of his who just rants with him in "common man" sports dialogue. I would love to have a job where I can call my friend up, record our conversation, and make money for doing it. Of course, I know that a great deal more goes into it than that, but that's part of the Simmons mystic: he takes complex things and makes them seem incredibly simplistic.
2. Astronomy Cast - Put on by the lead editor of Universe Today, as well as a professor from Southern Illinois University, this pod cast is generally half an hour long and covers topics from astronomy history to theoretical physics. They are informative, not too long, and generally entertaining.
3. Meet The Press - this is a video podcast that is simply the video, minus most of the commercials, of each Sunday's Meet The Press. David Gregory is no Tim Russert, but he does a better job than anyone currently on TV of holding politicians accountable to their words and actions. Still, I don't follow this as religiously as I did when Russert was alive. Back then it was must watch on Monday morning (right after the download). Now? I get a few weeks behind.
4. Adam Carola podcast - Carola is a podcast that I'll download periodically when I'm going on a long trip, and then listen to on said trip. He's hit or miss, but when he hits it there is no doubt that it's a riot.
At any rate, due to a convergence of issues I had no podcast material for this trip. Simmons had better get on it before I leave for New York City on Thursday; I'll need more pods on that trip as I'll be driving mostly alone.
Thursday Night 11:55pm - I arrive in Michigan to great fan fare and celebration. I promptly go to bed. Back to back 6a-1op days at work will take it out of you.
Friday morning 8:30am - I'm up and my phone is sending me work emails. I turn it off. I'm on vacation anyway. What's the worst that can happen?
Friday morning 8:32am - I turn my phone back on. Just in case.
Friday morning 10:50am - I'm hungry, and I've got the afternoon to kill, so I start driving to go find something to eat. In the back of my mind I'm thinking "man it would be killer to get a Qdoba burrito right now"
Friday morning 11:11am - listening to The Score (670am out of Chicago) they break the news that Jim Hendry is being let go. I immediately call my brother, as tears of joy run down my face.
Friday morning 11:50am - I'm driving around Battle Creek Michigan. I see plenty of places I could eat, and almost stop. But something tells me I can do better. I continue to head west on I-94. My stomach will not let me consider anything but Qdoba. As I listen to the Hendry/Rickets press conferences I think about my research on the maps of where Qdoba's are. I've done this because, in spite of South Bend having a large college community, there isn't one anywhere close. I have to travel at least an hour and a half to get to a Qdoba. How dumb is that? Anyway, I remember that Kalamazoo has at least one Qdoba. I head that way.
Friday afternoon 12:40pm - Driving aimlessly ... starving ... haven't eaten in 24 hours ... no burritos in sight ... and then ... on the horizon... Qdoba! With no help from a map, no idea where I was going, I found it. I went inside and got the steak queso burrito with black beans, hot and mild salsas, lettuce, sour cream, and cheese. A bottle of tabasco in hand and I'm in heaven. I thank God for clearly wanting me to have this burrito by putting it in my line of sight. I also thank him for avoiding one more year of the Hendry/Quade project. I text a mocking picture of my burrito to a friend. Life is good.
Friday afternoon 1:15pm - As I drive off, completely content, I think of the top ten list of places I'd like to stop and eat at. I decide that we can't count full sit down restaurants in this, because you'd then be comparing apples and oranges. It's got to be somewhat considered "fast food" for it to make the rankings, because this is a road trip after all. Here's what I came up with:
1. Qdoba - I'm not even kidding. There is not a better bang for your buck than the steak queso burrito. It's far and away the most full you'll be for under $10, and it's enjoyable all the way around. I'm not even sure that they have anything else on their menu, but if they put one in down the street I'd eat there three times a week. If you think I'm kidding I'd like to refer you to the video evidence of the Bloomington Qdoba from my senior year, when it was on my way home from class.
2. Taco Bell - Cheesy. Gordita. Cruch. Seriously, do I need to say anymore? Add in the always changing burrito options for dirt cheap, as well as the classic fall back of the taco supreme, and the occasional "oh, by the way, crunchwrap supreme's are only .99 this week" and you've got a poor person's paradise.
3. Subway - I give you $5.35. You give me ten slices of peperoni, ten slices of salami, two slices of pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green peppers, jalapenos, mayo, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, oregano, and still let me choose the bread and if I want it toasted or not? Um ... check please?
4. White Castle - harder to find, not something I'd do every day, but on a road trip I'll take mozzarella sticks, half a dozen jalapeno sliders, and a red cream soda any day.
5. Burger King - The new menus, at the updated locations, are classier, and they give you 100+ drink options. My new favorite? Half raspberry coke half lime coke. 100% tasty.
6. Jimmy Johns - inferior to Subway in virtually every way ... but sometimes the bread will suck you in. The sub is smaller, has less umph, and generally leaves me wishing I'd gone to Subway ... but there has to be some redeeming quality if I keep going there. Right?
7. Wendy's - higher quality sandwiches ... much higher cost. I also docked them because their new fries are not so great.
8. Dairy Queen - every once in a while you just need a blizzard.
9. McDonalds - I go there more often than I'd like, but it's so cheap ...
10. I'm tapped out ... what am I missing? I guess this is a top nine list. Moving on.
Friday afternoon 2:00pm - I walk around a mall for a bit. I find two new hats (Blackhawks and Cubs) that are buy one get one half off of the already marked down price. I also found two books on my amazon wish list at Barnes and Nobles marked down to $5.00 a piece. Good stop.
Friday afternoon 3:00pm - I am blogging in a Starbucks. I feel very east coast right at this time.
Friday afternoon 3:30pm - I talk to a friend who is going through a bad breakup. I then shop for road trip supplies.
Friday afternoon 4:30pm - I get Subway, then go back to the apartment to try to sleep until the 9:30pm departure time.
Friday night 8:30pm - after not sleeping I give up and eat my Subway, then play with the dog who will be riding down with us in an attempt to tire her out. I think it worked both ways.
Friday night 10:30pm - finally on the road, heading towards Charlottesville. Some observations on the drive down:
1. Michigan drives are much more aggressive than your typical driver. They like to go about 10mph over, regardless of the situation, and they aren't patient.
2. It's nice to drop into Ohio out of Michigan. For someone who normally heads east out of Indiana, it makes you feel like you took a short cut. In other words, the Indiana and Ohio toll roads suck.
3. I can't drive by Cleveland without thinking about how much it must suck to live there. I can't drive by Akron without thinking about how much of a tool LeBron is.
4. The Pennsylvania turnpike is not fun to drive at 3:30am when you are very tired. It's easy to drive Iowa when you are tired ... it's straight. Narrow, under construction roads with lots of hills and twists and turns? Less so. And, yes, I hit the wall at 3:30am. I'm getting older.
Saturday Morning 4:30am - I hand the reigns over to my co-pilot, and go to sleep. The most exciting thing that occurred during my drive was me slamming on the breaks to avoid hitting what appeared to be the parts of an animal that had exploded all over three lanes of traffic. In reality, someone dumped a ton of clothes across three lanes of traffic. Either way we didn't hit it. The most exciting thing that happened while my co-pilot drove was that we hit a ladder, and the dog managed to roll the window down twice in an attempt to escape. I slept through all of this without blinking. I was hit once to pay a toll, and responded "it's really foggy." I woke up the third time the dog tried to escape; we figured out where the window lock was after that.
Saturday Morning 8:30am - we roll into Charlottesville. Not bad time at all. There are advantages to driving through the night; we have the whole day ahead of us.
Saturday Morning 10:00am - we go to sleep. So much for the whole day being ahead of us. Let's just settle for "we have the whole afternoon ahead of us."
Saturday Morning 11:47am - MUCH better! Shower time.
Saturday Afternoon 1:00pm - we drive to Blenheim Vineyards, owned by Mr. Dave Matthews himself. We sample the wine, I buy the wine, and I take this picture:

Back on track, the wine was great. In particular, they had a 2009 Chardonnay which was excellent, and a 2010 Syrah that each made a return journey with me... times two.
Saturday afternoon 3:00pm - after drinking a bottle of the 2009 Chard the four of us are off to the second tasting of the afternoon at Jefferson Vineyards. I returned with three bottles from Jefferson, including an excellent 2008 Merlot that is going to be difficult to keep closed, but will age beautifully. The race is on.
Saturday evening 5:00pm - we sit at the bar at The Local waiting for our table. They have a nice selection of local beers. I feel like I've probably died and gone to heaven. After the wait we have an excellent meal, and I am fully satisfied and ready for a nap. Getting old is rough. I hope I have the energy to make it through the show.
Saturday evening 7:00pm - we arrive at the venue ... and it is small. Intimate really. We get in line to have our IDs checked, then get in line to buy the obligatory posters. $40.00 and they are currently asking between $100.00 and $250.00 on eBay for them today. Gotta love capitalism. There are only 550 made, and we each get one. Pulled from eBay, here is what they look like:
Saturday Night 7:30pm - we make our way to the seats a friend is saving. Just incredible seats. I couldn't get a good picture with my phone, but you'll have to take my word for it.
Saturday Night 7:45pm until 11:05pm - You'll have to wait for the full breakdown, but this was a great show. Dave and Tim shows are always different, as Dave allows his humor to show a bit more, and the atmosphere is more relaxed, but this show went long, and had a great pace. Highlights included a great Jimmy Thing, Don't Drink The Water, Baby Blue, and Crush among others. An encore of Cornbread into Two Step took us over the top. And look at how long they went. Amazing. Add in a guest appearance by Warren Hayes, just a great show.
Saturday Night 11:45pm - we walked into Millers, a bar on the downtown mall in Charlottesville. Millers is known because it is the place where Dave Matthews was bar tending when it all began way back when. I enjoyed my drink, took my match book and coaster, and hit the road.
Saturday Night 12:30pm - Sleep!
Sunday Morning 9:30am - up, showered, and ready to hit the road.
Sunday Afternoon 12:30pm - back on the road after lunch (a great little sub place built into a gas station!), we begin the trek back to Michigan. A few observations on the way back:
1. Virginia is absolutely beautiful. I might have slept through it on the way down, but driving it back, it is gorgeous when you go through the mountains back west.
2. It started raining on the way back, and everyone started going 30mph. I passed about 50 cars that were pulled over. Cars, not motorcycles. Come on people, let's not do that again.
3. The Pennsylvania Turnpike is much easier to drive at day than it was at 3:30am.
4. States crossed on the journey home: Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.
Sunday Night 11:00pm - after a quick stop to by frames for our posters, we return to the apartment in Michigan.
Sunday night 11:32pm - Sleep!
Monday Morning 11:08am - I return home to a bevy of fruit flies swarming my house. Although I can't figure out why they are here, or from whence they came, I know one thing for certain: I will win the war with them. I also frame my poster. And I'm happy that the trip was as wonderful as it was.
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