The Massacre at the Meadowlands ... I just got home from work at 11PM EST, turned on the Bears-Giants game ... and holy crap. I guess we found out that the Bears are who we thought they were: a poorly coached, poorly managed team that lost week one (let's be honest here) and were handed a game last week.
Now hear me out, because I know the "you just hate Lovie" chants can't be far behind ...
- Last year our offensive line was ... well ... offensive. We couldn't run the ball or protect our QB all year long. So what did we do to improve it this offseason? Well ... nothing. At all. We brought back the same group of scrubs that we trotted out last year. During the first three weeks of the season it was painfully obvious that if Cutler were to make it through the year upright it would be a miracle. Tonight, from what I can tell, all hell broke loose. Cutler knocked out of the game, Todd Collins knocked out of the game (I'll get back to him in a minute) ... nothing. All because our brilliant management decided the offensive line would magically improve.
- We cut a young QB with upside (Dan LeFevour) to keep an antique version of a clip-board holder (Todd Collins) ... and then we actually played Collins? How is this guy still in the league? He wasn't good back when he could actually stand upright, and now we expect him to QB for us after Cutler goes down? Are you serious? In what world does this make sense?
- Finally, I didn't see the game, so I have to go to my right hand man, the Bowser, for his analysis:
"The Coaching is awful, and I mean bad. This is the most ridiculous game I've ever watched. It's completely pathetic. I want Lovie one on one in a cage match."
This is the breakdown of an individual who: a) knows football, b) loves the Bears, and C) is generally pretty logical about these things. I don't need to rewatch the tape to know that if it struck him this way it was a really poorly coached game. But, friends, it all starts up front, and due to Lovie and Jerry's magic plan of crossing their fingers to fix the o-line we may be in deep junk.
So ... can we fire these pathetic excuses for coaches and front office personnel yet?
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