Day three is in the books, and let me tell you, I think I've walked fifteen miles at least in the past few days. Everything in this city is so big that it seems close, until you walk to it and it just keeps hanging there in the background. Today was a less ambitious schedule, but we still saw alot, including:
- The Supreme Court of the United States
- The US Capitol building
- The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
- Game two of the Cubs - Nationals series, featuring my man - Big Z
On to the shots:

-The US Capitol as we walked towards it

- The Capitol with the Grant Memorial dead center in front of it

- U.S. Grant: giving hope to whiskey drinkers since the 1860s (at least)

- The back of the Capitol

- The Supreme Court building ... awe inspiring up close. The architecture really can't be done justice here, but through these shots I'll try to give you an idea of how awesome it is.

- "Equal Justice Under The Law"

- The Capitol building from the steps of the Supreme Court

- The best shot I could manage of the court room itself. There was a 25 minute lecture that took place inside (no pictures allowed) and let me tell you, it was awesome. Not the lecture itself mind you; I already knew almost everything that was said, and actually had to correct the lecturer with head nods at one point. What was amazing was sitting there, FEET from the chair the Chief Justice sits in, taking it all in. A special place.

- Statue of John Marshall

- The handwritten notes that Abraham Lincoln used when he argued the
Lewis v. Lewis case in front of the Supreme Court.

- John Marshall's bust inside the Supreme Court's main hall. There is one for every deceased Chief Justice, all of them in the main hall. Unfortunately they have not completed the bust for Big Willy Rehnquist. I will have to come back.

- Inside the Capitol done, and a close up of the painting at the top, which depicts George Washington by a rainbow in a purple dress ... um, I still think HGH George is the best George.

- The Library of Congress ... so many books.

- The last remaining piece of Sputnik. I've got to be honest: the Air and Space Museum wasn't as good as it could be. I just felt a little disappointed. Maybe it's how well read I am in regards to astronomy, but it seemed a little more amateurish when compared with the American History Museum.

- An Apollo Lunar Suit ...

- ... and the Apollo 11 rover.

- The actual Wright Brother's airplane. I've got to admit, this was pretty cool.

- At the game, the man of the hour was Z. The crowd went nuts for him.

- Zambrano walking out from the bullpen to start the game, while a handful of Cubs relievers walk out to the 'pen.

- When I saw that Lenny Harris was playing second tonight I was worried The Attorney General was out of the lineup. I was relieved that he was in the lineup at shortstop. He didn't have the greatest night, but at least he had the scorekeeper arrested after he was assessed an error in the first.

- There was a little rain, and some great conversation between us and the people around us, so here is the last pitch of the game, delivered by Kevin Gregg...

- ... 'Nuff said.
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